At ADAM BLANSHAY PRODUCTIONS - (“we”, “us” or “our” in this Policy), we are committed to respecting your privacy and protecting thepersonal data (as set out below) that we obtain and hold about you and others.

This privacy policy (“Policy”) explains how we will processthe personal data relating to you that you provide to us when you visit ourwebsite, namely the website at or in relation toany query or communication that you may send to us, or that we may collect fromothers about you when you visit our website in relation to KIM’S CONVENIENCE (the “Show”). 


The website is operated by ADAM BLANSHAY, a companyregistered at Floor 3, 10-11 Great Russell Street, London, WC1B 3NH. The website allows users to see more information about the show and to view and purchase tickets, among other things (“Services”).

Where we decide the purpose or means for the processing ofthe personal data that you provide when using our website, we are the “data controller” for the purposes of the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 and the General Data Protection Regulation as it forms part of the laws of England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland by virtue of section 3 of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 (together “GDPR”).

Our website may contain hyperlinks to third party websites. These websites operate fully independently from us, and we cannot accept anyresponsibility or liability for the privacy practices of such third parties northe availability of these external sites or resources. The appearance of such links on our website is not an endorsement. Should you use any of these websites, such use is at your own risk, and we would recommend that you review their respective privacy policies and terms of use.


Information provided by you when using our Services

You may give us information about you by filling in formswhen using our Services, creating an account, signing up to our newsletter, orcontacting us with e-mail and other similar inquiries. Such information caninclude: Identity and contact data: including your name, address, email address, and telephone number.

Purchase data: including tickets that you have purchased and credit card information.

Correspondence: including any information you submit to us in messages and correspondence.

Analytics Information

Our website uses cookies and other mechanisms to collect andlog analytical information, to help analyse how visitors use the website and to compile statistical reports on website activity. This processing is crucial to the running of our online business. Please see our cookie policy for more information.

When you visit our website, our analytics service providers may collect the following data:

- number of visitors to our website;
- pages visited while at the website and time spent per page;
- page interaction information, such as scrolling, clicks andbrowsing methods;
- websites where visitors have come from and where they goafterwards;
- page response times and any download errors; and
- other technical information relating to end user device, such as IP address or browser plugin.

Should you visit social media pages and choose to follow or connect with us on social media, we may receive personal information from the social media providers (depending on your social media privacy settings), including:

- your name (and/or your social media unique username);
- your email and/or postal address;
- your telephone number(s);
- IP or MAC address;
- your gender and/or age; and
- your general interests and preferences (e.g. Likes, Shares, Posts).


Providing the Services to you as a prospective or existing customer

We may use and retain your personal data where we need toperform the contract we are about to enter into or have entered into with you,such as:

Creating your account on the website; and

Processing ticket purchases (including access requirementsfor the show).

In order for you to purchase tickets via our website, wecurrently use a third-party payment provider (“Payment Provider”), RIVERSIDES STUDIOS to collect, store and process payment information from you, includingyour name, email address, credit card number and bank account details. We do not access or store your credit card information. Any ticket purchases you makevia the website will be governed by the Payment Provider’s terms and conditionsand privacy policies. 

Contacting Us (Your Enquiries)

If you contact us via our website, to make an enquiry or otherwise, in certain situations we will ask you to provide a limited amount of personal data about yourself, such as your name, email address, and your message enquiry.

In line with the legitimate interest, we have in operating and promoting our business and the Show, we will process your enquiries to reply to your query, including providing you with information about the Services we offer and keeping track of your purchase history.

We may also process enquiries to take steps you ask of us with a view to entering into an agreement to provide you with our Services.

You are under no obligation to provide us with any details, but if you choose to not provide us with relevant information, we may not be able to respond and/or provide the assistance that you request.

Newsletter and Mailing List

If you ask to be added to our mailing list by subscribing toour newsletter, we will keep you updated with information on news, offers, and updates about the Show.

Consent-based mailing lists:

We may process your data to keep you updated with information on news, offers, and updates about us. We may rely upon your consent in order for us to undertake this data processing activity. You can revoke your consent at any time. Please let us know by clicking unsubscribe at the bottom of any marketing email that you receive and following the simple opt-out process.

‘Soft opt-in’ or B2B mailing lists:

In some instances (suchas with our existing UK customers) the law may permit us to process yourpersonal information in order to send information to you by email that we thinkis of interest for you and/or your business on the basis of our legitimate interests, being our legitimate interest to promote our business. If you would like to be removed from that list, please let us know by clicking unsubscribe at the bottom of any marketing email that you receive and following the simple opt-out process. 

Online Advertising

We may process data for online advertisements. While we donot permit third party advertising on our website, we undertake:

- Remarketing,which allows us to show display ads to people who've previously visited ourwebsite;

- Advertising on social networks, which means that if you linkto one of our social media platforms you may be subject to targeted marketing via that platform (including in your newsfeed);

- Ad performance monitoring, meaning that your information maybe used to understand how advertisements have performed or how many people have viewed/interacted certain advertisements;

- Serving personalised ads, meaning that your information maybe used to service you more relevant online advertising on third party services.

We work with third party advertising networks and socialmedia platforms as set out in our cookie policy. If you would like to find out more about the way these third parties collect and process your information, please refer to their respective privacy policies and/or terms and conditions.

By interacting with the consent tool on our website, you are able to consent to our use of cookies or similar technologies. You are able to withdraw your consent at any time by going back to the consent tool and changing your settings there. 

All content you submit to us

If you send us objectionable content or otherwise behave in a disruptive manner when using our website, we may process personal data included in your messages to respond to and stop such behaviour.

We only process personal data in this way for the legitimate interests of ensuring that use of our website and services is lawful, does not disrupt our systems, does not harass our staff or other individuals, and to enforce our legal rights and to comply with our legal obligations.

Where we reasonably believe you are or may be in breach ofthe law (for instance, because content you send amounts to harassment or isdefamatory), we may use your personal data to inform relevant third partiessuch as your email/internet provider or law enforcement agencies about thecontent.


We keep your information confidential, but may disclose it to our personnel, suppliers or subcontractors insofar as it is reasonably necessary for the purposes set out in this Policy. If we provide your personal data to third party suppliers, we shall only do so provided that you have actively opted-in to receive information or such suppliers do not make independent use of the information. All our third-party service providers are required to take appropriate security measures to protect your personal data. Activities which are carried out by or in collaboration with third party service providers include digital marketing. Personal data may be accessed or collected by third party advertising networks as set out in our cookie policy.

In addition, we may disclose your personal data to theextent that we are required to do so by law (which may include to government bodies and law enforcement agencies); in connection with any legal proceedings or prospective legal proceedings; and to establish, exercise or defend ourlegal rights (including providing information to others for the purposes offraud prevention).

If we are involved in a merger, acquisition, or sale of allor a portion of our business or assets, the personal data we hold may beincluded as part of that sale, in which case you will be notified via email, your account and/or a prominent notice on the website of any changes inownership or use of your information, as well as any choices you may haveregarding that information.



You have the following rights over the way we processpersonal data relating to you. We aim to comply without undue delay, and withinone month at the latest, in response to any requests submitted by you to us:

- for a copy of personal data, we are processing about you and/or to have inaccuracies corrected;
- to restrict, stop processing, or to delete your personal data;
- for a machine-readable copy of your personal data, which youcan use with another service provider. Where it is technically feasible, youcan ask us to send this information directly to another provider if you prefer;and
- to make a complaint to a data protection regulator. You maycontact them at:

To make a request in relation to any of the aforementionedrights, please send your requests to


We do not use the website to knowingly solicit informationfrom or market to children under the age of 18. If a parent or guardian becomes aware that his or her child has provided us with information without their consent, he or she should contact us at We will delete such information within a reasonable time.



We will take appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure a level of security appropriate to the risk that could been countered via the use of our website and Services taking into account the likelihood and severity those risks might pose to the rights and freedoms ofour website visitors and customers. In particular, we will take precautions to protect against the accidental or unlawful destruction, loss or alteration, and unauthorized disclosure of or access to the personal data transmitted, storedor otherwise processed by us.

Please be aware that, while we make the security of our website and your personal data a high priority, but no security system can prevent all security breaches. When you choose to share your personal data with us, you accept the aforesaid and provide your information at your own risk.



Where we transfer your information outside of the UK and/or EEA, we will have agreements in place with the recipient which include (where necessary) standard data protection clauses adopted by a data protection regulator and/or approvedby the European Commission to ensure that appropriate safeguards are in place to protect your personal data.



We will hold your personal data for as long as is necessary for the relevant purpose for which that personal data was obtained, or as otherwise described in this Privacy Policy. To determine the appropriate retention period for personal data, we consider the amount, nature, and sensitivity of the personal data, the potential risk of harm from unauthorized use or disclosure of your personal data, the purposes for which we process your personal data and whether we can achieve those purposes through other means, and the applicable legal requirements. If you would like us to stop using or holding your personal data and/or would like to request its deletion, please email us at



This Policy may be updated from time to time. We will notify you of any changes by posting the new Policy on this page and, where feasible, by letting you know by email or your account.